Ever since the dawn of civilization, humanity has been driven to find ways to Low-Temperature store food for times of scarcity. While grains, thanks to nature’s gift of reduced moisture at maturity, have been relatively easy to store, vegetables have posed a greater challenge. Their high moisture content at harvest makes them highly perishable, requiring innovative methods to keep them fresh for longer periods.
In recent years, the development of cold storage technologies has revolutionized the way we preserve vegetables, extending their shelf life, and improving their quality. This article delves into the various strategies for low-temperature storage of vegetables, offering practical tips and insights to help you make the most of these techniques.
Table of Contents-
The Importance of Cold Storage
Storage of vegetables in their fresh form prolongs their usefulness and, in some cases, even enhances their quality. By preventing market gluts, facilitating orderly marketing, and preserving the quality of produce, cold storage provides significant financial benefits to producers. Vegetables, like all horticultural produce, continue to respire after harvest, making the control of physiological processes such as respiration and transpiration crucial for maintaining their usability.
Temperature plays a pivotal role in preserving the quality of vegetables. Refrigeration slows down the aging process, reduces undesirable metabolic changes, and minimizes respiratory heat production. From harvest to consumption, maintaining a controlled temperature is key to ensuring the freshness and quality of the produce.
Pre-Storage Treatments
Before vegetables are stored, certain treatments can help extend their shelf life:
- Cleaning and Sorting: Remove damaged or diseased produce to prevent the spread of decay.
- Pre-Cooling: Quickly lower the temperature of the produce to reduce respiration rates and moisture loss.
- Chemical Treatments: Use safe chemicals to inhibit microbial growth and delay ripening.
Controlled Atmosphere (CA) Storage
CA storage involves adjusting the composition of gases in the storage environment. By lowering oxygen levels and increasing carbon dioxide levels, the respiration rate of vegetables can be reduced, extending their storage life. This method is particularly effective for fruits and vegetables that are sensitive to ethylene, a natural ripening agent.
Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP)
MAP is a technique where the air inside a packaging is modified to extend the shelf life of the product. By using films that control gas exchange, MAP helps maintain the optimal balance of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and humidity around the produce. This method is widely used for packaged salads, fresh-cut fruits, and other ready-to-eat vegetable products.
Key Takeaways
To summarize, here are the essential points for low-temperature storage of vegetables:
- Importance of Temperature Control: Maintaining a consistent, cool temperature from harvest to consumption is crucial.
- Pre-Storage Treatments: Cleaning, sorting, pre-cooling, and chemical treatments can significantly extend shelf life.
- Controlled Atmosphere Storage: Adjusting gas composition in the storage environment helps reduce respiration rates.
- Modified Atmosphere Packaging: Using specialized packaging to maintain optimal gas levels around the produce.
These techniques not only preserve the quality of vegetables but also contribute to reducing food waste and increasing profitability for producers.
Recommended Storage Conditions for Vegetables
Here is a comprehensive table detailing the recommended storage conditions and approximate storage periods for various vegetables:
Vegetable | Temperature (°C) | Relative Humidity (%) | Approximate Length of Storage |
Asparagus | 0 | 85–90 | 3–4 weeks |
Beans, Lima | 0 | 85–90 | 2–4 weeks |
Unshelled | 4.5 | 85–90 | 10 days |
Shelled | 0 | 85–90 | 15 days |
Beans, snap | 0–4.5 | 85–90 | 2–4 weeks |
Beets, Topped | 0 | 95–98 | 1–3 months |
Bunch | 0 | 85–90 | 10–14 days |
Broccoli, Italian | 0–1.6 | 90–95 | 7–10 days |
Brussels sprouts | 0–1.6 | 90–95 | 3–4 weeks |
Cabbage | 0 | 90–95 | 3–4 months |
Carrots, Topped | 0 | 95–98 | 4–5 months |
Bunch | 0 | 85–90 | 10–14 days |
Cauliflower | 0 | 85–90 | 2–3 weeks |
Celery | 0 | 90–95 | 2–4 months |
Sweet corn | 0 | 85–90 | 4–8 days |
Cucumbers | 7–10 | 85–95 | 10–14 days |
Brinjal | 7–10 | 85–90 | 10 days |
Endive | 0 | 90–95 | 2–3 weeks |
Garlic (dry) | 0 | 70–75 | 6–8 months |
Horse–radish | 0 | 95–98 | 10–12 months |
Jerusalem artichoke | 0 | 90–95 | 2–5 months |
Kohlrabi | 0 | 95–98 | 2–4 weeks |
Leeks (green) | 0 | 85–90 | 1–3 months |
Lettuce | 0 | 90–95 | 2–3 weeks |
Muskmelons | 0–1 | 75–78 | 7–10 days |
Honey Dew melons | 2 | 75–85 | 2–4 weeks |
Casaba and Persian | 2–4 | 75–85 | 4–6 weeks |
Okra | 10 | 85–95 | 2 weeks |
Onions | 0 | 70–75 | 6–8 months |
Onion sets | 0 | 70–75 | 6–8 months |
Parsnips | 0 | 90–95 | 2–4 months |
Peas (green) | 0 | 85–90 | 1–2 weeks |
Peppers (sweet) | 0 | 85–90 | 4–6 weeks |
Potatoes | 3.3–10 | 85–90 | 5–8 months |
Pumpkin | 10–13 | 70–75 | 2–6 months |
Pointed gourd | 10–13 | 90–95 | 8 days |
Radishes | 0 | 95–98 | 2–4 months |
Rhubarb | 0 | 90–95 | 2–3 weeks |
Rutabagas | 0 | 95–98 | 2–4 months |
Salsify | 0 | 95–98 | 2–4 months |
Spinach | 0 | 90–95 | 10–14 days |
Squashes, Summer | 4–10 | 85–95 | 2–3 weeks |
Squashes, Winter | 10–13 | 70–75 | 4–6 months |
Sweet potatoes | 10–13 | 80–85 | 4–6 months |
Tomatoes, Ripe | 4–10 | 80–85 | 7–10 days |
Tomatoes, Mature | 13 | 80–85 | 3–5 weeks |
Turnips | 0 | 95–98 | 4–5 months |
Watermelons | 2–4 | 75–85 | 2–3 weeks |
Low-temperature storage of vegetables is an art that combines science and practicality. By understanding and applying the right techniques, you can extend the shelf life of your vegetables, reduce food waste, and enhance their quality. Whether you are a home gardener, a farmer, or a commercial producer, these strategies can help you make the most of your harvest.
Instagram Reels or Canva Infographics Summary
- Temperature Control: Essential for maintaining vegetable quality.
- Pre-Storage Treatments: Clean, sort, pre-cool, and use safe chemicals.
- Controlled Atmosphere Storage: Adjust gas composition to reduce respiration.
- Modified Atmosphere Packaging: Specialized packaging for optimal gas levels.
- Storage Conditions: Follow recommended temperatures and humidity levels for each vegetable.
By incorporating these practices, you can ensure that your vegetables remain fresh, nutritious, and ready to enjoy for longer periods.
Pre-Storage Treatments
Pre-cooling involves the rapid removal of field heat from fresh fruits, vegetables, and flowers immediately after harvest but before shipment, storage, or processing. This is crucial for effective temperature management and offers several advantages:
- Inhibition of decay-causing organisms: By lowering the temperature quickly, the growth of organisms that cause decay is slowed.
- Restriction of enzyme activity: Lower temperatures reduce the activity of enzymes that can degrade the produce.
- Reduction of water loss: Pre-cooling minimizes water loss, which is significantly higher at warmer temperatures (e.g., 25°C with 30% relative humidity compared to 0°C with 90% relative humidity).
- Reduced respiration and ethylene liberation: Slower respiration rates and reduced ethylene production extend the shelf life and quality of the produce.
- Rapid wound healing: Cooler temperatures promote faster healing of any wounds on the produce.
The effectiveness of pre-cooling depends on several factors, including the accessibility of the product to the refrigerating medium, the temperature difference between the product and the refrigerating medium, the velocity of the refrigerating medium, and the type of cooling medium used. The “half-cooling time,” which is the time required to reduce the temperature difference between commodities and the coolant by half, is a critical parameter to understand for effective pre-cooling.
Various pre-cooling methods include:
- Room/Air Cooling: Utilizes cold air to remove heat.
- Water/Hydro Cooling: Uses cold water to cool the produce.
- Forced Air-Cooling: Involves forcing cold air through the produce.
- Vacuum Cooling: Uses reduced pressure to evaporate water from the produce, cooling it rapidly.
- Package Icing: Involves packing the produce with ice to maintain low temperatures.
Control of Spoilage of Vegetables
Spoilage in storage is primarily caused by bacteria and fungi. Contaminated surfaces, water used for pre-treatment or cooling, and high relative humidity can introduce and proliferate these pathogens. Common spoilage bacteria include Erwinia carotovora, Pseudomonas spp., and Xanthomonas spp. Control methods include the use of chlorine compounds in water and maintaining low storage temperatures.
For fungal spoilage, common pathogens include Fusarium spp., Geotrichum candidum, and Pythium spp. Temperature and duration of exposure are critical factors in controlling fungal growth. Table 8.3 lists specific temperature-time combinations effective against various fungal pathogens.
On-Farm Storage Techniques
Evaporative cooling (EC) is an efficient and economical method for short-term storage of vegetables. It involves using evaporative cooling chambers, such as the Pusa Zero Energy Cool Chamber, which maintain lower temperatures and high relative humidity. These chambers can be constructed from locally available materials and extend the shelf life of produce by maintaining a cool and humid environment.
Controlled Atmosphere (CA) Storage
CA storage modifies the atmosphere around the produce to extend its shelf life. By adjusting levels of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2), ripening and decay can be controlled. Historical experiments demonstrated the benefits of CA storage, leading to its adoption for preserving fruits and vegetables. Modern CA storage typically involves reducing O2 levels below 8% and increasing CO2 levels above 1%.
CA storage can significantly extend the storage life and maintain the quality of horticultural produce, but it requires precise control to avoid negative effects such as irregular ripening or increased susceptibility to decay. This technology is supplementary to low-temperature storage, enhancing its effectiveness by further reducing respiratory and metabolic activities and controlling ethylene production.
In summary, pre-storage treatments, control of spoilage, on-farm storage techniques, and controlled atmosphere storage are all essential components of effective postharvest management to maintain the quality and extend the shelf life of fresh produce.
Biological Basis of Controlled Atmosphere Effects
Overview of Atmospheric Composition and Impact on Storage
The Earth’s atmosphere is composed of approximately 78% nitrogen, 21.5% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.093% carbon dioxide, and traces of other gases. Controlled atmosphere (CA) storage for vegetables involves reducing oxygen concentration and increasing carbon dioxide levels to create conditions that slow down respiratory activity. This delay in respiratory processes extends the shelf life of vegetables by delaying the senescence stage. Typically, CA storage can extend the shelf life of vegetables by 2–4 times compared to traditional storage methods.
Effects on Respiration and Ethylene Production
Vegetables, being living entities, can tolerate reduced oxygen levels and increased carbon dioxide levels within a specific range. However, altering the gaseous composition beyond these limits can lead to stress conditions, causing physiological disorders and increasing susceptibility to decay. The transition from aerobic to anaerobic respiration post-harvest and during CA storage is influenced by factors such as maturity, ripening status, storage temperature, and stress exposure to oxygen and carbon dioxide levels.
Plants can tolerate very low oxygen levels (<1% O2) and elevated carbon dioxide levels (>10% CO2) for short periods. However, climacteric fruits have a lower tolerance limit compared to non-climacteric fruits. The ability to recover from stress is influenced by the duration of stress and the maturity levels of fruits and vegetables.
Enzymatic Activities and Biochemical Changes
The activity of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) synthase, an enzyme responsible for ethylene biosynthesis, increases at low oxygen concentrations and decreases at high carbon dioxide concentrations. Optimal storage conditions help retain the quality of vegetables by reducing chlorophyll degradation, thus maintaining their natural green color for longer periods. Increased biosynthesis of carotenoids helps maintain yellow and orange colors, while the biosynthesis and oxidation of phenolic compounds result in brown color development.
Enzymatic activity responsible for cell wall degradation is significantly slowed during CA storage, which helps maintain the pericarp toughness of vegetables. Controlled atmosphere conditions also slow down the degradation of acidity, reduce the conversion of starch to sugar, and affect the sugar inter-conversion rate and biosynthesis of flavor volatiles. Nutritional quality, particularly vitamin C retention, is also maintained for longer periods during CA storage.
Stress Conditions and Hazardous Chemicals
Vegetables can experience stress under altered gaseous conditions, leading to a reduction in cytoplasmic pH, ATP, and pyruvate dehydrogenase activity, while activities of pyruvate decarboxylase, alcohol dehydrogenase, and lactate dehydrogenase are activated. Stress conditions beyond tolerance limits can lead to the accumulation of hazardous chemicals such as acetaldehyde, ethanol, ethyl acetate, and lactate in plant tissues. The extent of accumulation varies depending on the cultivar, maturity and ripening stage, storage temperature, duration, and ethylene concentrations.
Use of Nitrogen and Alternative Gases
Nitrogen gas is commonly used to adjust the gaseous composition by reducing oxygen and increasing carbon dioxide levels. Experiments have shown that replacing nitrogen with argon and helium can increase the diffusivity of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and ethylene, although cost factors limit the continuation of such experiments.
Effects of Increased Oxygen Concentration
Increasing oxygen concentration to 80% can trigger ethylene production, leading to rapid color changes from green to yellow in non-climacteric fruits and an increase in ripening due to increased respiration and ethylene production. However, oxygen concentrations beyond 80% can result in post-harvest pathogen infestation due to oxygen toxicity.
Beneficial and Detrimental Effects of Controlled Atmosphere
Beneficial Effects
- Reduced rate of biochemical changes and slow respiration rate, resulting in decreased softening of tissues and delayed ethylene production.
- Reduction of sensitivity to ethylene action at oxygen levels <8% and/or carbon dioxide levels >1%.
- Inhibition of post-harvest pathogens, such as Botrytis rot, in certain vegetables with carbon dioxide levels at 10–15%.
- Successful control of insects during storage of dried products from vegetables with low oxygen (<1%) and/or elevated carbon dioxide (40–60%).
Detrimental Effects
- Increased physiological disorder symptoms such as brown stain of lettuce and chilling injury.
- Uneven ripening in tomatoes with reduced oxygen (below 2%) and higher carbon dioxide (above 5%) levels.
- Encouragement of anaerobic respiration and fermentative metabolism, leading to decay during short storage periods.
- Potential sprouting in potatoes and carrots.
Commercial Application of Controlled Atmosphere Storage
CA storage systems are widely used commercially for the long-term storage of fresh horticultural crops, especially apples and pears. Recent research indicates potential advantages for short-term and medium-term storage of various produce. Various CA storage systems include ultra-low oxygen storage, low ethylene CA storage, rapid CA storage, and programmed or sequential CA storage. Developments include atmospheric modification during transport, improved technologies for establishing and maintaining CA, and the use of edible coatings or polymeric films for desired atmospheric composition.
Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP)
MAP involves altering the gaseous environment during respiration by adding or removing gases in a closed environment. It extends the shelf life of vegetables by modifying respiratory activity and biochemical changes. MAP techniques have evolved over the years and are used for a variety of fresh and cooked foods.
Advantages of MAP
- Reduces respiration rate, delays ethylene production, and ultimately delays ripening and textural softening.
- Minimizes chlorophyll degradation, enzymatic browning, and vitamin loss.
Disadvantages of MAP
- Selection of suitable packaging film and thickness varies for different vegetables.
- Vegetables may suffer stress conditions during gaseous composition adjustments.
Relative Tolerance to Low Oxygen and Elevated Carbon Dioxide
The benefits of CA and MAP vary based on the type of cultivar, maturity at harvest, initial quality, packaging materials, gaseous composition, storage temperature, and exposure duration. Vegetables classified by their tolerance to low oxygen and elevated carbon dioxide concentrations are provided in tables.
Tables of Tolerance to Low Oxygen and Elevated Carbon Dioxide Concentrations
Table 8.4: Classification of Vegetables According to Their Tolerance to Low O2 Concentrations
- 1.0% O2: Broccoli, mushroom, garlic, onion
- 2.0% O2: Cantaloupe, green bean, celery, lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts
- 3.0% O2: Tomato, pepper, cucumber, artichoke
- 5.0% O2: Green pea, asparagus, potato, sweet potato
Table 8.5: Classification of Fresh Vegetables According to Their Tolerance to Elevated CO2 Concentrations
20% CO2: Cantaloupe, mushroom
1% CO2: Onion
2% CO2: Tomato, sweet pepper, lettuce, Chinese cabbage, artichoke, sweet potato
5% CO2: Pea, chili, brinjal, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, radish, carrot, cucumber, bell pepper, potato
7% CO2: French bean
10% CO2: Okra, asparagus, Brussels sprout, cabbage, celery, leek, dry onion, garlic, sweet corn
15% CO2: Spinach, kale, broccoli
Methods of Creating Modified Atmosphere Conditions
Modified Atmosphere (MA) can be generated passively or actively to extend the shelf life of vegetables by manipulating the composition of gases in the storage environment. Passive Modified Atmosphere
Passive MA is created by placing vegetables in a hermetically sealed package, allowing the respiration process to alter the gas composition. In this closed environment, oxygen levels decrease while carbon dioxide levels increase due to the natural respiration of the produce. The permeability of the film used for packaging must be matched to the respiration rate of the vegetables to ensure the appropriate atmosphere is rapidly established without creating anoxic conditions from excessive carbon dioxide buildup. Active Modified Atmosphere
Active MA involves adjusting the gaseous composition around the vegetables to avoid too low oxygen levels and too high carbon dioxide levels during storage. This can be achieved by using a partial vacuum to remove air from the package and replacing it with a specific gas mixture. The gas composition can be further fine-tuned using absorbers or adsorbers within the package to scavenge excess gases.
Packaging Materials for Modified Atmosphere Packaging
The most suitable packaging materials for Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) are typically made from one or more polymers, such as low-density polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene terephthalate, polyethylene, and polypropylene films. The choice of packaging material aims to extend shelf life while protecting the physical and chemical attributes of the vegetables. Polymeric films with specific gas permeabilities are preferred for horticultural commodities stored at low temperatures. Other important factors in selecting packaging materials include water vapor transmission rate, mechanical properties, transparency, sealing reliability, and microwaveability.
Effects of Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Microbial Growth
MAP reduces the growth rate of microorganisms inherent in vegetables, thereby keeping them organoleptically acceptable for longer periods. By delaying the senescence process, MAP also reduces susceptibility to pathogenic microorganisms. Spoilage Organisms
Common spoilage microorganisms in vegetables include Pseudomonas sp., Erwinia herbicola, Flavobacterium, Xanthomonas, Enterobacter agglomerans, and lactic acid bacteria such as Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Lactobacillus sp. The growth rate of these microorganisms depends on storage conditions. For instance, cabbage stored at 7°C and 14°C spoils at the same rate, but the microbial load is significantly reduced at 7°C. Similar results have been observed with shredded chicory salads and carrots. Low temperatures, combined with MAP, can inhibit aerobic spoilage bacteria and mold growth due to the increased solubility of carbon dioxide in the liquid phase surrounding the vegetables. Pathogenic Organisms
Pathogenic microorganisms such as Clostridium botulinum, Yersinia enterocolitica, Listeria monocytogenes, Aeromonas hydrophila, Salmonella spp., Clostridium perfringens, and Bacillus cereus can grow at temperatures between 5–12°C, posing a safety risk for MAP-stored vegetables. Some pathogens, like certain clostridia and campylobacter species, may survive better in modified atmospheres compared to normal atmospheric conditions.
Listeria monocytogenes, Yersinia enterocolitica, and Aeromonas hydrophila are capable of growing at extremely low temperatures in certain modified atmospheres. Enteric pathogens such as Salmonella, Shigella, and E. coli also present concerns under MAP storage conditions. Studies have shown that high oxygen and moderate carbon dioxide concentrations do not significantly affect the growth of Salmonella typhimurium, S. enteritidis, S. typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes, and pathogenic E. coli.
In summary, while MAP can effectively extend the shelf life of vegetables by slowing down respiration and microbial growth, it is crucial to carefully monitor and adjust the gaseous composition to prevent the growth of pathogenic organisms and ensure food safety.